What causes low self-esteem?
Low self-esteem can stem from various factors, including childhood experiences, social influences, and individual personality traits. Firstly, negative experiences during childhood, such as bullying, neglect, or criticism from caregivers, can significantly impact self-esteem development. Children who grow up in environments where they feel unloved, unsupported, or constantly criticized may internalize these messages and develop negative beliefs about themselves, leading to low self-esteem that persists into adulthood. Social influences also play a significant role in shaping self-esteem. Peer pressure, societal standards, and cultural norms can all contribute to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. In today's digital age, social media can exacerbate these pressures by promoting unrealistic standards of beauty, success, and happiness. Constant comparison to others and the fear of not measuring up can erode self-esteem and contribute to feelings of worthlessness and insecurity. In...